Saturday, 27 October 2012


She did all she could
In the morning she was so jolly
Having this lass
Lying on her laps
After that four hours of canter labour
She now have this gift
Which she will always sift
She did all she could
But after a decade under the sun
Toiling to give her seed all that she can
There came an infirmity
As she begun to blossom summarily
Knowing her all these years
Waking up today to find this mess
The acute pain she bear in her head's egg
So painful that her head was swollen like a bull
- Carthasis! Every woman would rather bear
 This unimaginable pain for her child - I guess
 In the morning she gave all she could
But at sunset she realised it was no good
After two months of  torture
Alas, she was no winner
For the first day of her life
She was so safe
It looked as if there was nothing like disorder
But when she began to flourish
Her fate's malady began to evolve
Foreseeing the next scenario
She began to sob
There was nothing else in her arms to rock
Now she know the world is never fair
There is nothing else to hold on
But in her memories she lives on
Because she did all she could